Monday 10 June 2013

I will save you the three week picture of the wounds because I seem unable to get the camera in the right position.  They are healing remarkably well and I seem to have good mobility in the left arm.  This is because I have been very good at doing the exercises.
I am now suffering from information overload having researched chemotherapy extensively on the internet.  As research into survival rates have to be over a long time and treatments are improving all the time, predicted survival figures are going to be always out of date.  There are no guaranteed side effects of chemotherapy as everyone is different.  As I am feeling very well at the moment one of the things I fear is not feeling well.
I have yet to get the oncologists appointment but I am once again wishing that this time would pass.  I can only base my decision on the research I have undertaken, the experiences of others, what the experts say and my past experience of watching someone die of cancer and my gut feeling is if someone offers you some more time to live you take it.
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Enjoy your day.

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